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e-Bus Contract and Performance Management

maior contract-mobile

Monitor and improve your e-bus service quality by improving decision making and making your service accountability easier.

The MAIOR Suite helps you monitor the e-bus service contract and to monitor the service quality.

Improve your decision-making process by managing public contracts with operators managing e-buses effectively and in a trustworthy way.

maior monitor the e-bus desktop
maior monitor the e-bus mobile

The MAIOR Suite helps you monitor the e-bus service contract and to monitor the service quality.

Improve the decision-making process by managing public contracts with operators managing e-buses effectively and in a trustworthy way.

Enhanced with a

pinch point & passenger waiting time tools

The pinch point analysis tool focuses on assessing running times data between two stop points to identify critical links in the network, where continual delays might occur.
The passengers’ excess waiting time analysis tool focuses on evaluating, using a statistical weighted formula, the number of people that experienced waiting time.


maior contract-desktop
maior contract-mobile


Want to learn more?

All modules of the MAIOR Suite for e-Bus

Service Planning

Network Design

Timetable Design


Mueve electric buses
E-Bus Fleet Planning & Scheduling in Bogota, Colombia

eBus Fleet Planning & Scheduling: The Bogota Case Study   The public transport company Mueve Fontibón, concessionaire of TRANSMILENIO S.A., Colombia's leading BRT company, has chosen the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite to plan the operations…


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