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for public transport

Maior suite for bus

Operations planning. Optimized.

The MAIOR Suite is MAIOR’s best-in-class operations planning solution for designing, planning, optimizing, and managing public transport services. It allows authorities and operators providing bus, streetcar, light rail, and metro services to easily plan their services obtaining ready-to-use optimized solutions at every step of their operations planning. The MAIOR Suite also allows public transport companies to better manage their daily operations, handling service disruptions.

The MAIOR Suite eases the service accountability for downstream processes and simplifies the service performance monitoring to help plan better services aiming to improve both the operations planning quality and the service on-time performance.


powerful algorithms


powerful algorithms

Advanced optimization algorithms are at the core of the MAIOR Suite. An optimized operations planning guarantees the right level of service at the minimum cost, is key the company’s sustainability, and ensures the respect to all labor agreements and company rules.

Advanced optimization algorithms are at the core of the MAIOR Suite. An optimized operations planning guarantees the right level of service at the minimum cost, is key the company’s sustainability, and ensures the respect to all labor agreements and company rules.


The MAIOR Suite is based on functionalities that work consistently and logically. Thus, public transport companies can choose the modules of their interest and expand their solution according to operational changes, preserving the investment and protecting operational and financial sustainability.

Service Planning

Service Planning

Plan your network easily and in detail, design the best timetable using the right running times throughout the day for the entire service network, considering the desired headways, vehicle availability, and ridership demand. Enhance the attractiveness of the service by planning a service that meets passengers needs and is reliable to guarantee the best possible on-time performance.

Resource Scheduling

Resource Scheduling

Optimize the creation of your vehicle schedules, driver or crew schedules, and rosters, to ensure maximum operational efficiency. The optimization of vehicle blocks, runs, and rosters generates schedules that maximize the service planning efficiency, reducing the total number of vehicle blocks, of driver duties, and of weekly rosters required to perform the service, which saves time and money.

Operation Management

Operations Management

Manage your daily operations and tackle the impact of both disruption events and last-minute changes to improve the service delivery with tools designed to simplify finding the best alternative possible. Improve the workforce performance management and ease streamline processes, keeping everything under control, and putting the staff’s needs at the center of service planning management.

Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring

Improve your decision-making processes and enhance the service quality by using KPIs that are specific for public transport. Ensure the right service accountability and simplify the contract management, either if the company is an authority or an operator.


Tailored to your Business Needs and Goals


With powerful optimization algorithms


For bus, streetcar, light rail, and metro services

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All settings in one place

Like in an operating system environment, the MAIOR Suite includes a control panel, which is a single point to assess all fundamental operations planning parameters.

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Planned service quality evaluation

Users of the MAIOR Suite can easily make data validations before making any changes effective on a specific scenario or a date range, to a single module or across the entire system.

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Advanced fleet modelling

The MAIOR Suite eases the management and operations planning for mixed fleets of any composition, including bus, trolley buses, subways, tram and light rail trains.

100+ active systems on-production worldwide

Customers in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Oceania, South America, and Asia

Enhancing Real-Time Operations in Public Transport with the MAIOR Suite

In the fast-paced world of public transport, real-time data and swift response capabilities are essential for maintaining high-quality, efficient services. The MAIOR Suite is a powerful solution specifically designed to enhance operations planning and…

Trasporto passeggeri Emilia - Romagna
Public Transport advanced optimization in Bologna

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Managing electric buses?

The MAIOR Suite helps public transportation authorities and operators in their transition to a fully electric fleet

Maior managing electric bus

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e-Bus Fleets

Learn how the MAIOR Suite optimizes public transport services operations planning for e-bus fleets

e-Bus Fleets

Lean how the MAIOR Suite optimizes public transport services operations planning for e-bus fleets

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