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E-Bus Fleet Planning & Scheduling in Bogota, Colombia

eBus Fleet Planning & Scheduling: The Bogota Case Study


The public transport company Mueve Fontibón, concessionaire of TRANSMILENIO S.A., Colombia’s leading BRT company, has chosen the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite to plan the operations of its 172 new 100% electric vehicles to provide the public transport service in the western part of the capital city.

Thanks to these new vehicles, 1.5 tons of pollution per year will no longer be emitted, the emission of 3.200 tons/year of CO2 will be avoided, and the frequency of service for 6 lines will be improved.

 “We are happy and proud to deliver this operation to the locality of Fontibón and the citizens, where we will mobilize about 30,000 passengers a day.

These buses are affordable, have clean technology, and are environmentally friendly.

This new fleet will improve the quality of life in Bogota and benefit everyone who interacts with the electric bus system.”

– Andrés Fernando Cortés Jaramillo, General Manager of Mueve

Andrés Fernando Cortés Jaramillo, General Manager of Mueve

The new electric buses feature technological elements to improve the passenger experience:

– Noise reduction, Wi-Fi access, and USB ports

– Information screens and sounds for route information

– Accessible platforms for people with disabilities

The new ultra-modern fleet aims to increase the efficiency of operations and facilitate the work of drivers:

– Rapid vehicle charging process

– Direct communication with the service control center and ITS system

– Automatic driving with start and hill assist

Mueve electric buses

100% Electric Depot in Colombia


The construction of the new infrastructure to support electric buses was in charge of Enel X.

“With the delivery of a new electric bus depot and 172 electric buses that will use Enel X technology, and that will be used by TransMilenio, the city’s public transportation agency, we continue to advance our commitment to facilitate the growth of electric mobility in Colombia and particularly public transportation in Bogota. We are proud to be a partner in this project that integrates new technologies and sustainable solutions to transform Bogota into one of Latin America’s leading electric capitals.” – Lucio Rubio Díaz, Managing Director of Enel in Colombia


Charging Electric Vehicles


The depot, where charging of these new electric vehicles takes place, has 81 chargers, each with an output of 150 kW. This means that when two buses are connected, each receives 75 kilowatts (kW) of power.

In this case, the estimated charging time for the electric buses is four hours, and if charging is done individually, it takes about two hours.

In addition, all chargers are interconnected by a fiber optic ring that allows them to be connected to the grid and managed through Enel X’s Smart Charging platforms.


Charging Electric Vehicles

Scheduling Optimization with Electric Buses


Bogota completes 655 zero-emission buses and five 100% electric bus depots to operate the system. This new electric fleet, consisting of 83 large buses with 80-passenger capacity and 89 medium buses with a 50-passenger capacity, will provide service on 6 routes.

Since February 2022, and only 6 weeks after acquiring the MAIOR Transit Scheduling Suite for service planning, Mueve Fontibón has been optimizing, simulating, and analyzing service planning scenarios.




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